The project aimed at the exchange and initiation of co-operation actors between relevant for the development of policies in the field of environment, education and employment from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania and Germany. The project consisted of three conferences that were implemented in single actions. This website will bring together the results of each conference to allow for exchange between the different actions. The actions were:

Action 1: Enhancing NGO activities in the field of environment.

Action 2: Fostering of co-operation of public and private actors involved in the field of education in order to ensure wider mutual recognition of qualifications.

Action 3: Exchanging good practices in the integration of vulnerable groups (especially young people) in the labor markets in the old and new member states of the EU.

The overall objective of the project was to exchange views on current political developments on the EU level among the participants and possibilities of co-operation for the benefit of common projects in the future. The project has brought together three different actions, each of them focusing on a special issue: environmental protection, education and employment.
Each of these three actions of the COEX project focused on the involvement of multiplying organizations in the political decision making process through common identification of future challenges in the policy fields of environment, education and employment policy and of strategies how to manage them successfully.

The project has brought together experts from different areas of society such as representatives from the government, professional and educational associations and NGOs to exchange views on the European integration process and to initiate common projects.

Activities - Seminars 2005

I. Shaping and implementing EU environmental policy - participation of small NGOs.

II. Education and educational policy in the enlarged European Union - the cases of Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania.

III. Integration of vulnerable groups in the labour market - fighting youth unemployment in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania.